Free POS Software / Free Cash Register Program.
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Please note: Using any serial device (printer, scanner, cash drawer) with this cash register program is NOT recommended and in many cases they will not function at all.
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What's all this about $5.00? I thought that it is supposed to be free!

Excruciatingly detailed instructions on downloading this
program for the first time or upgrading an existing version.

What is NEW in this version?

If you are upgrading from a previous version.

If you are upgrading from version 6.40G to 6.40L after installing the new version run the FIX_HIST.EXE program to repair the sales history file.

If you are upgrading from version 6.40j or earlier and you are using "Automatic reports" when you close the register, you will have to reformat the automatic report because the "Gift cards" report has been moved in the menu. That changes the reports menu and the reports are in a different order.

If you are upgrading from a version earlier than 6.40i the current version of the APRINT program is APRINT4.EXE, you must use APRINT4.EXE with version 6.40i or later of POS. This assumes that you use the APRINT program to print to USB port or other printers.
Before you upgrade to version 6.40g from an earlier version, and you use timers, you must go to the "Time sales" feature of the POSCONFG.EXE program to turn the timers ON.
Before you upgrade to version 6.40b from an earlier version you must unpark any parked sales using your current version.
If you are upgrading from version 6.39p or earlier you will have to use the "Receipt language" feature of the POSCONFG.EXE program and press [F5] to reset the receipt labels to their default. You will have to retype some of them if you are not using the defaults.

If you are upgrading from version 6.39p or earlier you MUST go to the "Payment options" feature of the POSCONFG.EXE program to re-choose the payment methods that are allowed in your store. There are two new ones and the "cash back" options have been moved.
If you are upgrading from version 6.39e or earlier the new "hot key" for entering the "timer" feature has been changed to [CTRL] + [TAB]. [END] will no longer work.
If you are upgrading from version 6.39a or earlier this version will erase any sales that are currently parked. This is because this version will allow many more sales to be parked and the parking file must be reformatted. Do not use this version until you have emptied all parked sales.

If you are currently using version 6.36 or earlier then after downloading this version if you are using a "Rounding" setting of "1" you must go to the POSCONFG.EXE program to reset the rounding setting back to "1".
If you are currently using version 6.25 or earlier then after downloading this version check your tax settings for ADDED / INCLUDED, tax on tax, and the tax rounding factor.
The .EXE files below are self extracting. When you click on an icon below a window will pop up. DO NOT CLICK [RUN]. This will put dozens of files all over your desk top. Click [SAVE] then save the file to your new folder. Now go to your new folder and click on the file you just saved and the actual program files will pop out into the folder. To start the POS program click on the POS.EXE icon. If you have a 64 bit version of Windows click the bottom icon after reading the instructions to the left of the icon.

Click here to download Cash Register.
Click to download.
This file = complete program.
Convert any PC into a cash register.
Version 7.1a
Ages 5 to Adult.
File size = 2.7 Meg Bytes.
File name = POS71A.EXE
Run command = POS
Click here to download Cash Register. Click here to download Cash Register.
Click both to download both.
The main download file is too large to fit
on a floppy disk. These two .EXE files contain
the same program files as the main download
file (above) but are small enough to each fit
on a separate floppy. Just remember that BOTH
files must copied to a computer and run
in the same folder to install the program.
File name = POS711A.EXE - POS712A.EXE
Click here to download Cash Register.
Click to download.
This file = complete program.

64 bit download
64 bit download .ZIP file

This is not a 64 bit version of this program. The .EXE files are 16 bit and cannot be extracted under 64 bit Windows. If you download this file you will need a program like WinZip or PKZip to unzip the file into your new folder. To run this program on a 64 bit computer read 64 Bit.



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